Web Developer


Full-stack web developer

I am trained in HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP, JAVA and MySQL. With all that I have the ability to generate every phase of developing a website.

Front end design

I specialize in front-end design and love fine tuning a great layout. During my training I mastered how to tearn every responsive page desing into the most optimal way.

UI/UX design

I have worked with Adobe XD and have researched effective UI/UX design. My target alays is to deliver the best user experience.

Agile project experience

I always the the full circle of planning, designing, developing, testing, releasing, receiving feedback and then planning again as many times as I must in order to deliver the best product.

Content Creation

From my architectural education and experience in CG industry, I have the ability to generate various computer generated content.


From my experience as an architect, I have mastered strong management skills and responsibilities of leading a project.

Front-end Development

Back-end Development