
Formal romanian embassy in Plovdiv

Architectural restoration


The building hinished construction in 1889 and was used as a Romanian embassy in Plovdiv, then the capital of Eastern Romelia. After World War one, the embassy was transfered in Sofia and the house was sold to private owner.Then in 1960's the edifice was resold to another owner. In 1990's after a heavy storm part of the building's roof was destroyed and the house went under reconcstruction and later was added as a central cultural landmark area of the city. In 2020 is the current project of the fasade restoration.


The Task

The idea was to reconstruct the fasades of the building with the original level of detail. For that puprouse were used old architectural plans, many photos and examination of nearby buildings built in the same period in the city. The most up to date laser technologies were used to capture the facade details and high end softwares were included in the process. The result is that the building now is preserved in BIM format.


The Entrance door

The original enterance door of the building was destroyed after world war two and was replaced by newer one. Throughout massive research from old photographies the entrance was recreated almost identically to the original from 19th century.
